Physiology for Health 2 (B125) - B125
Physiology for Health 2 (B125) - B125

Module Duration: 0
Grading Basis: 100:0
Price (AFRICA)::0.00€
Price (INT)::0.00€
Module Option: Compulsory


  • To provide students of the health care professions with knowledge of physiology appropriate to their professional requirements.  
  • To cater to the different backgrounds and expectations of the constituent professional student groups.
  • To foster study skills and team-work skills to prepare students to be members of health care teams.
  • To foster generic skills of information gathering, problem-solving and use of information technology.

Learning Outcomes

  • (LO1) understand the roles performed by the various cells of the blood, the kidney, the digestive system, and the central nervous system.
  • (LO2) understand the mechanisms by which the body senses the external world and maintains a constant internal temperature
    • (S1) Information skills - Critical reading
    • (S2) Information skills - Evaluation
    • (S3) Information skills - Information accessing:[Locating relevant information] [Identifying and evaluating information sources]
    • (S4) Information skills - Networking skills

Enrollment Information

First Semester